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Gisela Eife  The Development of Alfred  Adler’s Individual Psychology Theory of Personality, Psychopathology,  Psychotherapy (1912–1937) 2019. Ca. 85 pages, eBook-PDF ca.  € 14,99 D  € 15,50 A      ISBN 978-3-647-40384-7 Forthcoming May 2019 The intention of this book is to give an overview of Adler’s fundamental  ideas tracing the development of his theory of psychotherapy during the  years between 1912 and 1937: the compensation of inferiority feeling and  the founding of the concept of community feeling in emotional experi- ence, in body and mind and in the philosophy of life. Adler doesn’t adopt  an objectifying external perspective; he doesn’t see the overall context  from outside, from a reflexive distance, but rather looks from his expe- rience of human society onto the contingency of human life. All of his  theoretical concepts are bound up in this holistic approach. Adler’s theo- retic development shows that the basic concepts of Individual Psychology  are not only descriptive labels; they grow out of inner experience. Adler  expresses harsh criticism of all forms of community governed by the “will  to power” and pleads for a cooperation in terms of real social interest or  community feeling. This E-Book is a revised edition of the introduction to the third volume of  the Alfred Adler study edition published in 2010. A new chapter has been  added: »The relational dimension of Individual Psychology«. The step-by- step development of Alfred Adler’s thinking is described following lectures  and papers included in Henry Stein‘s Collected Clinical Works of Alfred  Adler and in the German Alfred Adler Studienausgabe.
THE AUTHOR Gisela Eife, MD, is a specialist for Psychotherapeutic  Medicine, Psychoanalysis (DGPT, DGIP). Dr. Eife is lecturer,  supervisor and training analyst at the Alfred Adler Institute  for Individual Psychology in Munich. Potential Audience Individual psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists,  psychologists, counselors. 